I have been so inspired by my recent blog reading, as well as having moved my sewing room into a brighter, more organized place, that I have begun to feel the urge to blog myself. I am also pondering a podcast about quilting and sewing and a blog is necessary for that. So...here I am.
I suppose I should properly introduce myself. My name is Celeste. I have been sewing since, well, you know, Junior High. I can't say my sewing has been prolific or professional since then. I sewed clothes for my children when they were little and have been quilting for about 15 years now. I would call myself a "jack-of-all-crafts...master-of-none." I currently own more sewing machines than I should but I sew on my Bernina. I love my Bernina. The other machines in my life are a 1926 White (in a sewing cabinet), a Singer hand-crank (from family in England), another antique Singer my husband just had to buy me and the first machine I ever purchased, a New Home. The last thing I'll tell you about myself today is that I work in a quilt shop and manage a Bernina dealership. Doesn't that sound great?...It is. I'll discuss that more later...I'm sure.
The focus of this blog will be sewing quilts, garments and crafts, and some spices of life thrown in for flavor.
My hope is to share with you as I try to grow my skills and support others along the way. I encourage you to participate and suggest, as you feel compelled. As I gain more confidence with the blog, I plan to branch out into a podcast, where I hope to feature some other crafters in my community and beyond. There is so much to learn from others.
So, this is my starting point. The newly moved sewing room! I just love it down there.
This was day one of the new space, complete with snacks and the football game on my little t.v. I don't quite know what I'm going to do when the digital change happens but I'll cross that bridge next month.
The fabric on the ironing board is going to become covers but right now I just love it hanging there.
I organized my fabric and the stash doesn't seem so overwhelming right now.
I have tried working from my fabric stash and it is never very successful. I guess that means my stash is not a functional one and I am trying to decide whether to rid myself of it entirely and only purchase for each project or put all my efforts into sewing it away.
Formatting this blog and pictures is still a work in progress but that will most definitely improve with time.
It is great to have a design wall again and I am so happy to have more light.
So, that is my introduction and my beginning. Next time, I'll show you the things I've worked on since moving into the new space.