Home Early!
My machine quilting class ended early today so, Yay, I got to be home before 9:30 tonight. I can't say I've done anything useful with the extra hour but it has been relaxing.
I picked some cute fabric for a couple baby quilts today. I'll photograph them tomorrow when I work on the top again. I am excited to be home tomorrow evening.
It will be so nice!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 | | 1 Comments
It's only Tuesday?!
I can't believe it's only Tuesday! This week is going by so slowly. Had dinner with Mr. Ueltschi, owner of Bernina last night. Do I feel cool? Yep!
I have a wearable muslin nearly finished. It seems huge but feels nice on. I'm feeling pretty happy about it. I will try to get it finished this week (Thursday is my first evening not out of the house) and get some pictures up. Well...we all know how that worked out last time.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | | 0 Comments
Time Flies

Monday, April 13, 2009 | | 1 Comments
Well, I tried to take better pictures of the French Braid quilt at work but to no avail. I don't know why but I just couldn't seem to get a better shot.
I should have used the rainy day today to work on some sewing but I chose to knit and watch t.v. instead. Oh! And a nap...nice.
I will get something worked up tomorrow evening. I am making a little checkbook cover. I made the whole thing the way the pattern suggested but didn't like the way the elastic worked so I took it apart and have come up with a different way to put it back together.
Sunday, March 15, 2009 | | 0 Comments
Some things work and some do not
I have been trying to get this up for a couple weeks now but things have kept getting in the way. Well, I have finally had a full weekend off and spent both days sewing. Saturday on clothing (I have so much to learn) and Sunday on quilting (to recover from Saturday failures).
Okay, so I'm not sure if I've posted this yet or not but I sell Bernina sewing machines. I think I might have but if not, I do. I admit that I came into this more from my mechanical/technical and teaching strengths, not from my sewing strengths. Those, I am working on. So, one of the things I need to learn about is Bernina's My Label. I would love to hear from any of you if you have used My Label and what your thoughts are on it. Since I am so green when it comes to garment sewing, I am really starting from square one. I have saved two models because I had two people measuring me. I am in the process of qualifying my model with the tunic and it was hilarious! The tunic looked awful on my model and I have to say, that after I made the muslin, it looked exactly like that on me! Too awful to even take a picture. I will go back and read what to do now.
The second top I sewed was also a tunic top from Indygo Junction. Please remember I am beginning here and that I work at a quilt shop so this pattern was available to me. I had cut the pattern for an extra large and then looked at the measurements and decided I needed the large so guess what...it was too small. Other than that, I think it is kinda cute.
Take a look. The turquoise shell is a separate from my closet.
I didn't even hem it after I found out it won't fit me. I will get the hem finished and it will be fine for a store sample, I guess. I have to learn how to adjust for full bust, as that is where the biggest problem was (no pun intended). I'm so bummed because I cut all those little bits off the pieces. I did save them and I will try to reattach when I am feeling calm.
So, today I decided to do a little quilting and bring my spirits up. After all...there is no fitting in quilting. I posted before about the class I took, French Braid. Here is the finished quilt top. This would be the thing that worked this weekend.
It was an easy quilt to sew but quite a challenge to select all the fabric. Almost all of this fabric came from my stash. Two fabrics came from friends and I had to buy the border fabric. I just LOVE this quilt. I think it is my favorite of all I have ever made. Shhhh...it's a Christmas present.
I'll get a better picture at work tomorrow.
Sunday, March 08, 2009 | Labels: French Braid quilt, My Label, tunic | 0 Comments
Sewing Classes!
I have been taking a couple quilting classes. It is part of my commitment to both learning new ideas and working through my fabric stash. I'll talk more about the stash later.
And here is the second one. I really like the fans in the corners.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009 | | 2 Comments
First Post
The focus of this blog will be sewing quilts, garments and crafts, and some spices of life thrown in for flavor.
So, that is my introduction and my beginning. Next time, I'll show you the things I've worked on since moving into the new space.
Monday, January 26, 2009 | | 1 Comments
Where I look for Inspiration
Au Revoir!12 hours ago
Double Cloth Coat UFO - Complete1 week ago
A Fall Hope2 months ago
Holiday Table Runner - mySewnet2 months ago
Sequined knit Northcote skirt3 years ago
Printing Fabric4 years ago
I'm still here!5 years ago
I CALLED HIM FRIEND...6 years ago
Style Arc Juliet Shirt6 years ago
Rainy Days are Great Sewing Days6 years ago
House cleaning!!8 years ago
Long time – no see9 years ago
Finally!!!9 years ago
9 months in the making9 years ago
Dipping my toes into ... quilting ?9 years ago
Adriennesessentials.com10 years ago
You still here?10 years ago
Holy cow111 years ago
July Update11 years ago
Going Abroad!12 years ago
Thank You12 years ago
Swapping again13 years ago
Bunny rabbit toddler Halloween costume13 years ago
My Videos: Free Downloads!!!!!14 years ago
Blog Archive
About Me

- Celeste
- I love to sew, knit and teach. My three children grow faster than I thought possible and are beginning to leave home. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up but I am always looking.
- 1 Seam at a Time
- a little sewing on the side...
- A Work In Progress
- Abbeyclaire designs
- After the dress...
- All My Seams
- AllisonC Sewing Gallery
- Ann's Fashion Studio
- Another Creation
- Assorted Notions
- Bare Maked
- Behind The Seams
- Bloom's Fabric Obsession
- Creative Reveries
- Diary of a Sewing Fanatic
- Encue Creations
- Faye's Sewing Adventures
- Girls in the Garden
- I'm not normally like this
- Lindsay T Sews
- Mimi Goodwin
- Morzel
- Off The Cuff ~Sewing Style~
- Real Life: Live & Unscripted
- sew and so
- Sew Tessuti
- Sew-4-Fun
- SewFit
- Sewing by the Seat of my Pants
- SewTawdry
- Sigrid - sewing projects
- Stitches and Seams
- Three Bears Quilting
- Two On Two Off
- Will's Kitchen